man, person
челове́к /tchilavièk/
time, times, tense
вре́мя /vrièmïa/
hand, arm, handwriting
рука́ /rouka/
affair, business, pursuit, cause, deed, act, work, things, matter, case, file, dossier, battle, fighting
де́ло /dièla/
time, one, once, one day, since
раз /rаss/
глаз /glаss/
day, afternoon
день /diènʸ/
life, existence
жизнь /jiznʸ/
here, now
тут /тoutᵉ/
head, mind, brains, chief, master
голова́ /galava/
друг /drouk/
house, home, house-hold
дом /dom/
word, speech
сло́во /slova/
place, spot, site, locality, region, area, scene, room, space, job, position, piece of luggage
ме́сто /mièsta/
face, the right side, person
лицо́ /litso/
side, party, land, place, parts, aspect, slant
сторона́ /starana/
foot, leg
нога́ /naga/
work, working, job
рабо́та /rаbotа/
before, in front of, to, compared to, front, fore-part
пе́ред /пièrid/
дверь /dvièrʸ/
end, ending
коне́ц /kanièts/
town, city, hope
го́род /goratᵉ/
voice, part, vote
го́лос /golas/
hour, time, hours
час /tchаss/
уж /ouch/
earth, the Earth, land, soil
земля́ /zimlïo/
strength, force, power
си́ла /silа/
вода́ /vada/
case, occasion, chance, opportunity, event, incident, occurrence
слу́чай /sloutchаï/
table, board, diet, cooking, cuisine, department, section
стол /stol/
machine, engine, mechanism, machinery, car, lorry
маши́на /mаchinа/
world, universe, the world, village community, peace
мир /mir/
ночь /notchʸ/
woman, women, womanfolk, womankind
же́нщина /jiènschinа/
child, infant
ребёнок /ribionak/
appearance, look, aspect, semblance, form, shape, state, prospects, intention, kind, sort, species, sight, view, views
вид /vitᵉ/
оте́ц /atièts/
question, matter, issue, problem
вопро́с /vaпros/
row, line, file, rank, series, a number, row of stalls
ряд /rïatᵉ/
country, land
страна́ /strаna/
war, warfare
война́ /vaïna/
money, funds, cash
де́ньги /diènʸgi/
minute, moment
мину́та /minoutа/
comrade, friend, companion, colleague, Comrade, assistant, under-
това́рищ /tavarisch/
truth, justice, true, though
пра́вда /пravdа/
part, share, portion, some, department, unit, police-station
часть /tchаstʸ/
road, way, journey
доро́га /darogа/
light, world, society
свет /sviètᵉ/
wife, woman
жена́ /jina/
window, casement-window, window-sill, gap, opening, port, slot, free
окно́ /akno/