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Vocabulaire russe: Verbes courants
- be
- быть /bîtʸ/
- say, tell, speak, talk, indicate, point, be evidence, betoken, mean
- сказа́ть /skаzatʸ/
- be able, can
- мочь /motchʸ/
- know, be aware, be acquainted, have a knowledge, aristocracy, nobility, the elite, evidently, it seems
- знать /znаtʸ/
- say, tell, speak, talk, indicate, point, be evidence, betoken, mean
- говори́ть /gavaritʸ/
- begin, come, become
- стать /sтаtʸ/
- eat, there is, there are
- есть /istʸ/
- to want
- хоте́ть /haтiètʸ/
- see
- ви́деть /viditʸ/
- to start, to be used, to leave, to come, to come out, to go, to go by, to stretch, to fall, to proceed, to go on, to pass, to enter, to become, to sell, to suit, to be on
- идти́ /idti/
- stand, be, lie, be situated, stop, be stagnant, be at, come to, a standstill, stay, live, be billeted, stand up
- стоя́ть /sтaïotʸ/
- think, consider, reflect, ponder, believe, intend, have the intention, hope, plan, be concerned
- ду́мать /doumаtʸ/
- ask, inquire, demand, want, desire to speak, make responsible
- спроси́ть /сprasitʸ/
- live
- жить /jitʸ/
- look, look through, see, watch, inspect, examine, parade, imitate, peep out, look like
- смотре́ть /smaтriètʸ/
- have
- име́ть /imiètʸ/
- understand, comprehend, realize, be a good judge
- поня́ть /panïotʸ/
- sit, be perched, be, fit
- сиде́ть /sidiètʸ/
- make, do
- де́лать /dièlаtʸ/
- make, do
- сде́лать /sdièlаtʸ/
- take, shoulder, hire, succeed by dint, succeed by the aid
- взять /vzïatʸ/
- understand, comprehend, realize, be a good judge
- понима́ть /panimatʸ/
- seem, appear, strike as, look
- каза́ться /kаzatʸsïa/
- begin, start, commence
- нача́ть /nаtchatʸ/
- see
- уви́деть /ouviditʸ/
- give, let, allow
- дава́ть /dаvatʸ/
- go, walk
- пойти́ /païti/
- remain, stay, be left
- оста́ться /aстatʸsïa/
- go out, alight, get out, appear, be published, be issued, run out, be up, come, make, be, be by origin, leave, drop out, look, face, front, open, give
- вы́йти /vîti/
- give, let, allow
- дать /dаtʸ/
- work, run, operate, be open
- рабо́тать /rаboтаtʸ/
- to turn out to be, to be found to be
- оказа́ться /akаzatʸsïa/
- answer, reply, respond, be responsible, return, meet
- отве́тить /aтvièтitʸ/
- think a little, for a while
- поду́мать /padoumаtʸ/
- love, like, be fond, need, require, thrive
- люби́ть /lioubitʸ/
- mean, signify
- зна́чить /znatchitʸ/
- wait, expect, await
- ждать /jdаtʸ/
- look, look through, see, watch, inspect, examine, parade, imitate, peep out, look like
- посмотре́ть /pasmaтriètʸ/
- find
- найти́ /nаïti/
- lie, be, be situated
- лежа́ть /lijatʸ/
- decide, determine, resolve, be determined, solve
- реши́ть /richitʸ/
- receive, get, obtain
- получи́ть /paloutchitʸ/
- write, paint
- писа́ть /pisatʸ/
- pee, piss
- пи́сать /pisаtʸ/
- return
- верну́ться /virnoutʸsïa/
- consider, think, count, compute
- счита́ть /stchiтatʸ/
- remember, keep in mind
- по́мнить /pomnitʸ/
- remember, keep in mind
- помни́ть /pamnitʸ/
- know, knew, learn, find out, get to know
- узна́ть /ouznatʸ/
50 прийти́ come, arrive
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