that, the other, the right, the
тот /totᵉ/
all, the whole of, everything, everybody, everyone, no more left
весь /vièssʸ/
э́тот /èтatᵉ/
which, who, that
кото́рый /katorî/
such, so, that sort of
тако́й /tаkoï/
what, how, which, what kind of
како́й /kаkoï/
my, mine, my people
мой /maï/
the very, most
са́мый /samî/
big, large, great, important, grown-up
большо́й /balʸchoï/
other, another, different, another thing, something else, others, the rest
друго́й /drougoï/
our, your, thy, his, her, its, their, my own, our own
свой /svaï/
ourselves, yourself, thyself, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselves
сам /sаm/
first, front, former, earliest
пе́рвый /pièrvî/
due, proper
до́лжный /doljnî/
new, novel, modern, fresh
но́вый /novî/
each, every, everyone
ка́ждый /kajdî/
good, beautiful, handsome
хоро́ший /harochiï/
necessary, need, want
ну́жный /noujnî/
last, new, the latest, definitive, lowest, worst, the latter, the last
после́дний /paslièdniï/
second, the latter
второ́й /vtaroï/
old, ancient, the old, the past
ста́рый /starî/
your, yours, thy, thine, your people
твой /tvaï/
бе́лый /bièlî/
main, chief, principal, head
гла́вный /glavnî/
no, none
никако́й /nikаkoï/
some, some people
не́который /nièkatarî/
distant, remote, far, far-away, long, dissimilar, with little in common, by no means inclined
далёкий /dаliokiï/
small, little, diminutive, slight, young, baby, child
ма́ленький /malinʸkiï/
сове́тский /сaviètskiï/
ру́сский /rouсskiï/
full, packed, complete, total, absolute, corpulent, plump, obese
по́лный /polnî/
any, every, anyone, either
любо́й /liouboï/
well-known, known, notorious, certain
изве́стный /izvièstnî/
general, common, mutual, aggregate, total
о́бщий /obschiï/
past, bygone, last
про́шлый /prochlî/
resembling, alike, like
похо́жий /pahojiï/
кра́сный /krasnî/
high, tall, lofty, elevated, high-pitched
высо́кий /vîsokiï/
ра́нний /ranniï/
intact, safe, whole, entire
це́лый /tsièlî/
young, youthful, new, bridegroom
молодо́й /mоladoï/
enormous, huge, vast
огро́мный /agromnî/
present, real, genuine, true, regular, complete, utter
настоя́щий /nаstaïoschiï/
living, live, alive, lively, animated, brisk, wide-awake, vivacious
живо́й /jivoï/
чёрный /tchiornî/
со́бственный /сobstvinnî/
different, diverse, various
ра́зный /raznî/
тре́тий /тriètiï/
great, the Great, Grand
вели́кий /vilikiï/

50 сле́дующий next, following